Welcome to Northside!

We’re here for ONE reason only: Growing in Jesus. Like a garden full of nourishing foods and refreshing flowers, in Jesus, we are cultivated, and we blossom. Our mission at Northside is to follow the path set before us in the Bible and develop our faith in Jesus Christ as we encourage, develop, and support each other. Our prayer is that through your faith, you will discover how God has already been moving in your life and that you experience the baptism that cleanses your heart and roots you in Jesus.

Peace & Love

Classes Information:

We invite you to study with us in our Cultivation Class, where we examine Bible verses and learn how to live in them while keeping a special emphasis on the person and work of Jesus. Please see the calendar for dates and times.

Alternatively, if you would like to learn the ABCs of faith, please email our minister and sign up for a 5-week video or email correspondence to get an introduction to one of the Churches of Christ’s long-standing introductions to a life of faith (Hearing, Believing, Repentance, Confession, and Baptism).

Email: lsims@northsidecoc.church